April 22, 2019 Louisville, KY.  – Today is First Responders and Veterans Day at the Stock Yards Bank $1 Million Dollar Hole-In-One Golf Contest.  Preliminary rounds for the competition continue this week. All First Responders and Veterans who attend preliminaries today get 2 shots for $1.

The preliminary competition is open 10 AM to 8:30 PM now thru April 28, except for April 21 at the Seneca Golf Course Driving Range off Pee Wee Reese Road. The last day for the preliminary is April 28, from 10 AM to 5 PM. During the preliminary rounds the 10 best shots each day (including closest to the hole or hole-in-one), will advance. It’s $1 per shot daily.

There are a total of 56 positions in the Finals, which include all daily hole-in-one qualifiers, four female qualifiers from Ladies Day, plus two qualifiers under the age of 18 from Junior Day advance as well. The Finals will be held on Tuesday, April 30, at 6 PM at Seneca Golf Course Hole #8. If no hole in one is awarded during the Grand Prize round, the participant coming closest to the hole during the Finals will receive a $5,000 first prize.

Stock Yards Bank is the title sponsor of the event. Contributing Sponsors are Academy Sports + Outdoors and Louisville Parks & Recreation, joining Media Sponsors WLKY TV, 840WHAS and Insider Louisville

Since 1956, the Derby Festival has worked to bring the community together in celebration. The Festival is an independent community organization supported by 4,000 volunteers, 400 businesses and civic groups, Pegasus Pin sponsorships and event participation. This involvement has made the Festival the largest single attended event in Kentucky and one of the leading community celebrations in the world.

Pegasus Parade: A Family Tradition

The Republic Bank Pegasus Parade has been a long-standing tradition in Louisville for the past 59 years. The march down Broadway has become a staple in the Louisville community, as well as tradition among families and friends. One family in particular not only attends the parade but was at the helm of its founding. Three generations of the Jones family have helped to pave the way for a successful parade, and this year, give us a glimpse of what it was like in the early years.

Anna Lee Deerr worked at the Chamber of Commerce in Louisville in the 1950’s and witnessed the birth of an idea that has grown to become a very large event. A perspective otherwise unknown, until speaking with Ana Lee, was the original reason for the parade to begin with. To our fortune, Ana Lee was able to share some of what she witnessed.  “The parade came about as a way to help promote the Kentucky Derby.   We wanted people to come early for the parade and stay for the race. A bigger and better parade would be better to promote the Kentucky Derby. This would help bring in more people and make better income for the city.”

With the thought of economic success on the mind, the Chamber of Commerce launched a parade hoping for the best and charging forward to help the city benefit from the long-standing Kentucky Derby horse race. “The parade was always on Broadway except we didn’t have seats, people came out but it wasn’t a very large crowd, a respectable one, but not very large. It was only after a few years that it really took off and slowly became what it is today.” Ana Lee was on the floats for the first 2-3 years but the real star of the show was her brother, Charles M. “Pat” Jones.

Charles M. “Pat” led the parade in 1956 on his trusty steed, Silver, a white horse of which he bought from Dixie Stables. Pat Jones’s wife, Erma Jones Greer brought her children Patty, Gary, and Becky to the parade and remembers fondly sitting on the curb watching her husband lead the parade down Broadway. Erma reflected on the first parade. “It was mostly horses, not many floats. It started on 9th and Broadway and went east. The next year I was pregnant and my son was born on the day of the parade. Needless to say the parade was a huge part of our family in the 1950s.” Pat & Erma’s daughter, Patty Jones Adwell worked at Brown & Williamson and participated in the parade as a float handler.

Charles and Anna Lee brought their family out in support of the parade. Whether it was participating in the parade or supporting on the sidelines, everyone in the family supported in any way they could. The Jones family did a great service to the city of Louisville and truly impacted the history and culture of the Kentucky Derby Festival. After 59 years, the Pegasus Parade is truly a family tradition.

Jesse’s Journey: Getting Back In The Swing Of Things

Jesse Blog

Going into the holidays I was in a fairly good routine of running. I had gotten side-tracked a bit before Thanksgiving and starting up again afterwards was HARD. First, I wasn’t prepared for cold weather running. I didn’t have the correct articles of clothing and I don’t think I was mentally prepared. I sought out some advice from all the runners I know and bought some runner’s tights and some long sleeve shirts that managed to help a lot.

Things were going well and then I hit my next wall, sickness. I was sick for the entire month of December with everything from a sinus infection, to bronchitis, and back to pneumonia, so running wasn’t very high on my priority list. Now that the polar vortex has left I am getting out and trying to get mileage in, but all the starting and stopping has made training difficult. Honestly, I find myself getting discouraged sometimes but I have a great support around me including some very thoughtful listeners who have been very encouraging of my efforts.


Jesse is a member of the Lambert and Lindsey Morning Show team on 102.3 The Max. Follow his progress along with us.

Jesse’s Journey: Committing To The Race

Jesse Blog

In the month or so that I have been training for the miniMarathon, I have learned one thing. Running is hard! I don’t just mean the physical act of running…which, is very hard by the way. I mean finding the time to do it. I started off just trying to run a mile a day for 2 weeks. The first week, I got 6 out of 7 days. The second week, I think I only got 2 days in. Sure, part of it was me “being tired” and just not wanting to do it, but a lot of it had to do with life. I wake up Monday through Friday at 3:30 am, and I often work until 3 or 4 in the afternoon…sometimes later…and often I have events or other obligations after that.

If those sound like excuses, it’s because they pretty much are. Since those first couple of weeks, I have changed some of my goals and tactics. First, I force myself to run at least 4 days a week. That has been a much more manageable goal, and sometimes I do better than that. Second, I have made my wife run with me more. We are about on the same skill level, and I found that it helps having someone there with you on your level so you can motivate each other. The third thing we have been doing is the Couch to 5k program. I really want to do a couple of 5k’s before I run a marathon just to give myself an idea of how running for a long distance competitively is. Having a structured program like that is also helping.

Things are going pretty good overall, and there are some days where I actually enjoy going for a run. I don’t think I will ever be one of those people who love running but I can see the allure. I am just trying to take this training 1 day at a time, 1 step at a time.


Jesse is a member of the Lambert and Lindsey Morning Show team on 102.3 The Max. Follow his progress along with us.

March 2 - April 6
March 23 - March 23
March 27 - March 27
April 4 - April 4